Science Experiments

Floating and Sinking

We investigated floating and sinking. We made plasticine and tin foil boats that carried 'passengers'. We had great fun!

Floating Eggs

We investigated the science behind floating eggs. We used a glass, a tablespoon, water, an egg and salt. Look at our results.

Local History

Monastic sites

We visited the sites of St. Kieran's Monastery and St. Kieran's Church. We really enjoyed constructing our own monasteries using our local history field trip as inspiration.

Weaving Wellbeing

We are aware of the different character strengths that we all possess and the benefits of using each one. We identified our own top strengths, which we can use in different ways to enhance our happiness and wellbeing.

Farm Safety

Our Completed Farm Safety Projects

We watched webinars on Farm Safety and were very excited about doing projects based on this. We took photos and cuttings from newspapers and magazines. Here are the finished projects and we are very proud of them!


Open Mic

We had two Open Mic sessions so far this year. The pupils used their talents singing, playing instruments and telling jokes. We joined in for some of the songs and really enjoyed it! We are all developing in confidence!